Who me? Clumsy?

March 24, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

From the number of times I mention falling in creeks and lakes, it should come as no surprise to hear that I consider myself to be a bit clumsy. While my first instinct is always to protect the camera at all costs, the other gear I work with holds a slightly lower priortiy and is dealt more than enough abuse.

That's why I decided that today, I should extoll the virtues of my Nikon SB700's.  The little beasts have been sprayed with liquid, knocked over, sat on and most recently, dropped from about 4 feet in the air onto a cold concrete garage floor.  The sound of the light hitting the ground and multiple pieces breaking and spinning away broke my heart and then I looked down.  A tiny little plastic cover had come off which easily snapped back in and that's it.  I powered up the flash, hit the test and it fired like nothing ever happened. 

Not that I would really recommend recreating the test to verify it's accuracy, but I'll stand by my new undying love for the SB700's.  They might not be as powerful as the 910's, but for the price point and durability, I couldn't be happier.

If history has taught me anything, I forsee more gear reviews based on smashability factors in this blog.

And now, here's a picture of The Press Gang, who are releasing a CD this Saturday at The Stetson (Calgary) (and who are lit with a single SB700)  The Press Gang PromoThe Press Gang Promo



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